Numbers & Currency

0 = a general number format

0.00 = a number with 2 decimal places (add or delete zeros for more or less decimal places)

$0.00 = dollar currency with 2 decimal places

#,##0 = a number with commas added for every thousand, million, billion...

$#,##0.00 = dollar currency with 2 decimal places and commas added for every thousand, million, billion...

#,##0, will round your number to thousands

#,##0,, will round your number to millions

This was suggested by my father (Frank Engwirda) as a currency format.

$* #,##0.00_-;[Red]$* (#,##0.00)

Brackets appear for negative amounts, without any change in alignment for either positive or negative figures, dollar signs are on the far left. Good one Dad!

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